September 22, 2021
Have you ever felt like you weren’t enough? That no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t silence the negative self-talk that stops you from chasing your dreams and your goals for your real estate career? You might experience imposter syndrome, a nagging feeling that makes you doubt your abilities. Escaping that mind state isn’t easy, […]
September 15, 2021
Let me ask you a question. “Are you all in for real estate? Or are you just dabbling in real estate, hoping for what you’ve heard is quick, easy money?” Both of these types of agents exist in our industry. But only one has longevity… the real “professionals” will always outlast the “hobbyists.” Which begs […]
September 8, 2021
Feeling overwhelmed is a natural part of life. Everyone occasionally feels overwhelmed by expectations, responsibilities, and a lack of time. The past 16 months have been a huge test on us as Realtors© and being able to handle everything coming at us. However, dwelling on feelings of overwhelm and letting them knock you off course can […]
September 1, 2021
I don’t know about you but the first part of the year and my summer seemed to just fly by and I cannot believe it is September 2021 already. We are beginning the last quarter of the year and there are only two outcomes for us Realtors©. Will you finish in the red, or finish in […]
August 25, 2021
Social media is moving at a faster pace than ever before. Sometimes it feels like you are finally getting the hang of it, but then the next day, social media algorithms change again. It’s hard to keep up with how quickly social media evolves if you haven’t cultivated a routine that helps you regularly update […]
August 18, 2021
Summer 2021 is here, can you believe it? It seems like the first half of the year just flew by us so fast! Are you like me and tired of never really taking a vacation from real estate or more importantly, is your family and friends tired of going on vacation with you because you’re working remotely? […]
August 11, 2021
How many of us are still scared to go in front of a camera and embrace the “video” world we are living in today? Video is so powerful that google bought Youtube the second biggest search engine machine on the internet just to keep the top 2 spots on the internet for searching. Whether we […]
August 4, 2021
Hey everybody it’s Wade Webb, the author of “The Lazy Realtor,” and the founder of AgentsBoost. Over and over again, I get the feedback from so many different Realtors© feeling that they’re just frustrated and they just can’t feel like they’re getting any results and they’re getting anywhere. They’re putting in the time, and putting […]
July 28, 2021
The last year and a half have definitely been some challenging times. Remember in uncertain times you can still control your own environment, be proactive and come out a winner. My personal friend and mentor Brian Buffini always reminded us to consider all areas of your personal and business life are in check. Consider your spiritual, family, business, […]
Royal LePage Kelowna
#1 – 1890 Cooper Road,
Kelowna, BC V1Y 8B7
Royal LePage Kelowna would like to invite you to The Real World of Real Estate on Thursday Evenings from 7:30pm to 8:15pm.